Traffic JamTake a look at the picture to the left here. Which street more closely represents how much traffic your business website gets?

Is your website more like the little side street on the left with only a trickle of traffic and not really helping out the bottom line of your business?

Or is it more like a busy traffic jammed main thoroughfare with a steady stream of visitors coming to your website, many of which are converting into solid leads for your business?

I bet you’d like to move more in the direction of the busy main street.

And you can too. More easily than you probably think.

Just Add a Blog

According to a study conducted by Hubspot, a blog makes a huge difference in the effectiveness of a business website. In their words:

“Companies that have a blog have far better marketing results.”

To put that into some numbers, here is what they found. The average company that blogs has

  • 55% more website visitors
  • 97% more inbound links
  • 434% more pages indexed in the search engines.

This is just further evidence of what I’ve seen time and time again with our clients here at SuccessCREEations. Having an active blog, especially one that is set up properly on WordPress, makes a huge positive difference in the website traffic for most any business.

We Can Help

The key is to set your blog up from the start so that it will help funnel and filter that traffic into qualified leads for your business. Too many businesses hear that they should have a blog so they just dive in without a plan with whatever free service happens across their path first.

While that approach is arguably better than doing nothing, why waste the time spinning your wheels?

It is better to have a strategic plan so that you are doing the right things in the right order to achieve maximum results for your effort. And that’s what we do for our clients.

If you want more traffic and ultimately more qualified leads for your business give us a shout.

We’re here to help!


SuccessCREEations is now Kingdom House Productions