LinkedIn has come a long way as a social networking site in the years that I have been involved with social media. And with their new Follow Company Feature they are making LinkedIn even better!

There was a time, not that long ago in fact, when LinkedIn was little more than a glorified Rolodex. But they have been steadily, and fairly quietly, adding quality features to the site. And they’ve resisted adding copies of every new feature that comes down the pike like some social media sites (*cough* Facebook.)

Follow Company

With the new Follow Company feature LinkedIn has once again added a feature that is ideally suited to the site’s target market of corporate employees. According to the LinkedIn Blog some of the benefits you can see by following companies on LinkedIn are:

  • Getting the early scoop on what’s new at the company
  • Learn about job openings before your competition
  • Keep your finger on the pulse of potential business-to-business opportunities

How to Follow a Company

LinkedIn has made it very easy to follow a company. If a company listed in a LinkedIn profile has a profile page too then you will see a little icon next to the company name. When you hover your mouse over those company names a little box will pop up which you can click on to view the company profile page.

LinkedIn example of company name wich has a company profile.
Hovering over company name will pop up company profile page.

On the company profile page you will see a link near the upper right that says “Follow Company”. Just click that link and you’re following. It couldn’t be easier!

LinkedIn follow company link
Location of the follow company link on LinkedIn company profile.

So what do you think? Are you going to start following companies on LinkedIn?


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