Fast Company may have jumped aboard the Social Media bandwagon but National Public Radio (NPR) is still very much an old media company.

NPR LogoMy Dad forwarded me a link to a funny song about blogging that he thought I’d enjoy.

Dad’s a wise man. He trained me as a kid to appreciate Mark Russell and his humor. We about wore out some of his old LP’s back in the day.

Dad sent me an email with a link to point me in the right direction. Here’s what he said.

Stumbled over this and thought you might get a chuckle:

Check out the link to The Life of a Blogger.

Hard to Share Content

He had to tell me where to go on the page to find the link to the content he was interested in sharing. It’s on that page on the link that says, “Listen: The Life of a Blogger”.

It is kind of a funny song. Go take a listen.

But how much better would it be, how much more would folks become aware of NPR and what great content they offer if they just made it a little easier to share the relevant content directly?

Make your content easy to share and more people will be exposed to your content.


SuccessCREEations is now Kingdom House Productions