Facebook Fan Page Features
These are just some of the features that can be added to your Facebook fan page with Lujure.

Having a dynamic viral Facebook Fan page is a critical must-have piece of marketing for most any business today.

Most people have figured that they need a Facebook page for their business. However few are building in the features that make them truly magnetic so that they actually attract fans and reach more people. The reason they don’t add these features is because it is really hard for the average person to do. Or at least it used to be anyway.

Let me explain.

Viral Features

What I’m talking about here are especially things like pre-like images and share buttons. Pre-like images are basically just a splash image that is shown to people who haven’t “liked” your fan page yet. When folks click the Like button the main tab content is revealed. Having a good pre-like image taps into people’s curiosity and encourages more likes.

Share buttons allow fans to share your page with their friends on their own Facebook walls. They’re a great way to get viral exposure to your page because they make it easy to share with others.

In fact, take a look at the image to the right there. That’s the Welcome tab for our EmmanuelPress Facebook Page. Here are the the interactive features we’ve got on that page:

  1. Share Button – Makes it easy for fans to share the page on their own walls
  2. Hot Spots – Link to other important places off of Facebook
  3. Embeded YouTube Video – Embed a video welcome for your fans
  4. Twitter Stream – Automatically updated from your Twitter profile
  5. RSS Stream – List your latest articles automatically
  6. Chat Box – Encourage interaction right there on your welcome tab.

And those are just some of the things that can easily be added to your Facebook fan page with this service.

Best Part

Facebook Pre-Like Image
Example of a Facebook fan page pre-like image.

But the best part is that these features are now drop-dead easy to add to your Facebook page.

Or, I should say, drag-and-drop easy.


With a service called Lujure I put together our page for EmmanuelPress in just 6 minutes and 2 seconds!

And it was only my second time using their service.

Not only that, but I recorded the whole thing on video, so I was talking while I was doing it (just for the extra distraction.) I wanted you to see how easy it is to put together a fairly complicated Facebook page for someone who was still pretty new to their service.

See for yourself.


Sign up at Lujure.


As you can see in the video, Lujure makes that whole process incredibly easy. I was able to add 6 great interactive features to our Facebook Page without having to do any programming at all. And I did it in as many minutes.

Lujure has several price points including a great Business Plan for people who create and/or manage Facebook pages for other businesses. That’s a great option because you can create as many Facebook Fan Pages as you want with it and it is completely white label (unbranded) so that no one has to know that you are using Lujure. It can be your own secret weapon to speed up production so you can create way more pages in the same amount of time.

They even have a free option so you can create a single tab and “try before you buy” so you can be sure it is all I’m saying it is without any risk at all.

Either way, Lujure will make your life so much easier when it comes you creating a Facebook page that sets your business apart from the competition. Go take a look for your self.

I think you’ll be glad you did.


SuccessCREEations is now Kingdom House Productions