I’ve been a fan of MyBlogLog since before they were purchased by Yahoo! But they are steadily going downhill.

I have proof.

The Salad Days

There was a time when I considered MyBlogLog a wonderful thing. Back say nearly a year and a half ago I posted about a problem with the MyBlogLog widget that I had. Eric Marcoullier, one of the founders of MyBlogLog, stopped by and commented to help out.

That was a pretty good day.MyBlogLog Logo

Then there was meeting Robyn Tippins at SOBCon last year. She’s a sharp lady and was the MyBlogLog Community Manager at the time. Too bad for us she’s moved on to another position at Yahoo. But that was a good day too.

Those were sorta the salad days of MyBlogLog.

We had this nice little widget in the side bar that showed the avitars of all the MBL members who stopped by. It even put the images in the comments. And you could do a little networking on their site too. Mingle with other bloggers and get find other great blogs.

But then something happened. Or more correctly, then not much of anything happened.

MyBlogLog has sorta stayed exactly the same since their peak shortly after the Yahoo purchase. There’s been a lot of talk lately about the lameness of MyBlogLog.

Another Player

Since MyBlogLog seems content to rest on their laurels as a Yahoo holding, others are coming on the scene and providing the social interaction that MyBlogLog should have been adding to their feature set all along.

One direct competitor that seems to be gaining traction is Blogcatalog.
Blogcatalog Logo
Blogcatalog has a remarkably similar recent visitor widget and they also have a directory of blogs. But unlike MyBlogLog Blogcatalog breaks their directory out by categies which makes it much easier to find blogs in a particular niche.

Another thing that Blogcatalog seems to be doing better is the whole social media, user generated content, networking thing. They’ve got discussions you can join in on or start your own. There are different interest groups you can join, again with a topically organized directory.

If someone messages you at Blogcatalog and you answer back you can break out that particular discussion thread and see the entire conversation with both sides in one place. It drove me nuts having to click back and forth between the different profiles on MyBLogLog as I tried to figure out if someone replying to something I said (and what did I say then anyway?)

Traffic Shift

Remember I said I had proof that MyBlogLog is going down hill? Well take a look at this graphic comparison of the two sites’ Alexa Reach over the last year.

MyBlogLog & Blogcatalog Alexa Reach

A year ago MyBlogLog was at its height after usage shot up with the Yahoo purchase. And it’s been going down hill ever since.

In contrast Blogcatalog has been steadily climbing to the point where it has now overtaken MyBlogLog. I don’t see anything in the near term that is going to change those trends.

So don’t be surprised to see the widget in the sidebar changing out soon here at SuccessCREEations. If more of you readers are using Blogcatalog I’ve got no reason to stay with MyBlogLog.

In today’s web publishing world change is always just a couple mouse clicks away. All of us have to earn our right to people’s attention.

So catch the rising wave and join Blogcatalog.

While you are at it, feel free to check out my Blogcatalog profile and join my circle of friends there. And if you like what you get from the blog here, why not join the SuccessCREEations neighborhood too while there?


SuccessCREEations is now Kingdom House Productions