Most people prefer video over text. The ratio is something like 90%. And that makes me a bit unusual since I’m in that other 10%.
Even though I prefer text, I get that most of you probably prefer video. So I thought, why not start making videos to help people get the info better?
Launching ChrisCree.TV
It seemed a better move to create a new “video only” site rather than confusing things here by mixing video & text posts. I’ve been working on it for the past several weeks to get everything ready. And today is the day the veil gets pulled back.
ChrisCree.TV is now live!
The site already has several videos and we’ll be focusing on New Media topics. We’ll be covering a range of topics from social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, blogging and the search engines to the latest tools, as well as strategies and techniques for more effective business and marketing communication online.
Hopefully “New Media” will strike the right balance and allow enough variety to keep things interesting. For all of us.
There’s More!
As the late Billy Mays used to say, “But wait, there’s more!” (OK, so he probably said it in all caps.)
There is more juicy goodness to sink your teeth into over at ChrisCree.TV.
One of the cool things were doing over there is offering a free Weekly Digest email. Yes I said free. I’m a big fan of free so just had to give something of value away.
The Weekly Digest is a newsletter, but with a twist.
You see with just about every video I produce I am also creating a downloadable PDF document with extra info. Some of the things that the PDF’s have include:
- Summary of the video content (for you 10 percenters who prefer text)
- Links to sites and tools mentioned in the videos
- Extra info that couldn’t fit into the video
- Insider info
Once a week, usually on Sunday afternoon, I send out a the Weekly Digest email that will recap each video, provide links to the videos and the PDF downloads, AND recap posts from over here on SuccessCREEations too!
Not only that but I occasionally make special offers and discounts available only to subscribers.
Here’s the thing. The only way to access all that extra content is to subscribe via email. The PDF’s are a subscriber only benefit.
You can subscribe right here at SuccessCREEations. Simply fill out the form at the top of the page with your name and email.
Or better yet, head on over to ChrisCree.TV, check out a few videos, and sign up over there.