CREEating Value Button
CREEating Value – About once a week I go through my feed reader and pull out a few gems that bring value to you as a business blogger. Here are this week’s juicy finds.


Healthy Web Design (feed) – Some folks believe it is dumb to link to someone who might be seen as competition for your business. Personally I don’t subscribe to that thinking. There is so much to go around, why wouldn’t I want to share good thinkers with y’all?

And Dawud Miracle is one of those guys. He’s into helping businesses improve their web presence. And he truly gets blogging. He understand the power and versatility it brings to businesses. Not bad for a guy coming at our business from the traditional web site design side of things. I think the reason Dawud get it is because he has embraced blogging whole heartedly in his own business. Web consultants who are actually blogging have a huge leg up when it comes to helping businesses get on board the blog wagon. Dawud is constantly adding to the conversation. Check him out.

Business Blog Summit (feed) – Here’s a blog that was started to support a business that helps businesses learn about business blogging. (Did ya follow all that?) You get the best of both worlds from these guys. They run a conference called the Business Blog Summit. And their blog is one of their primary marketing arms. Subscribe to them and you’ll see how a blog can help your business while reading on the topic at the same time.

Business Blog Consulting (feed) – You know, I might as well keep rolling with links to the “competition”. This is one of the early adapters to the business blog consulting world. That’s how they got such a great domain name! But the reason they are popular is because they produce good stuff. If you looking to learn more about blogging for your business, add these guys to your reader too.


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