Last night was movie night for Gorgeous and I. We sprung for the whole nine yards. We went at night, not to a matinée. Got the truck-o-popcorn and the quarter-barrel of soda.
The movie we picked was Wild Hogs. I didn’t realize it was only out in pre-release still. We were a bit confused when we walked into the theater because there were no signs for the movie on the marquee.
Fortunately we were in the right place.
And it was a good thing we got there early too. Because as we were standing in line waiting to arrange financing for our snacks they announced that the showing had sold out. More than 30 minutes before the movie started.
We broke from our place in line and got some seats.
The crowd was surprising. I bet it is one of the oldest aggregate crowds for a sell-out (pre-)opening night in a long time. I’m cresting 40 and I was on the younger end of the spectrum for this one. Not many teenie-boppers present.
I stayed to guard the seats while Gorgeous went off to negotiate the acquisition of our munchables.
There were several conversations going on around me and it was obvious that most of the folks present owned motorcycles.
Anyway, I’ll keep this short.
The movie was hysterical. I haven’t laughed that hard at a film since I don’t remember when. A fair amount of quasi-bathroom humor and embarrassing situations. It’s probably not for the younger kids. It is PG-13.
Gorgeous described it as City Slickers on motorcycles. I bet it does just as well too.
William Macey is absolutely brilliant in his performance in this one. The four principle actors work very well together. We’ll be seeing a sequel for this one. I’m sure of it.
Go check it out when it comes to town. You’ll be glad you did.