CREEating Value Button
CREEating Value – About once a week I go through my feed reader and pull out a few gems that bring value to you as a business blogger. This week’s CREEating Value just so happens to coincide with Blogtipping Day.

Blogtipping is a little thing started a while back by Easton Ellsworth over at BusinessBlogWire. The idea is on the first day of the month to go choose a few blogs out there, share three things you like about the blog and offer one constructive tip that could make their blog better.

I’ve never participated before, mostly because I don’t remember the date until well after I’ve posted and I miss it. Well today we’ve got a fortunate convergence of days!

So here are this week’s juicy finds, complete with tips.


Working at Home on the Internet (feed) – Joe Hauckes is one of the first true blogging friends I ever made. He’s incredibly generous with his time and his talents. He was one of the first to dialog with me back and forth on our blogs consistently when I was getting started. He is not afraid to try new things and wants the details to be right because he wants the best for his readers. His site has a forum. Joe hosts and manages the Work at Home Blog Carnival. Even though we’ve got our own things going now and don’t “see” as much of each other as in days of old, I still consider Joe a good friend and I’m so looking forward to meeting him in person at SOBCon ’07.

Tip – Joe keep keeping your priorities just where you’ve got them. Family first. Us bloggers will still be here when the dust settles.

Black In Business (feed) – Jim Walton is one of those guys that on first brush I wouldn’t think I’d have much in common with. I mean just put our two pictures side by side! But Jim’s passion for his subject is compelling. He writes about the challenges and what it takes to be black and in business. I really don’t didn’t have a clue about the issues that I don’t face as a white guy. Jim is not afraid to wade into the sticky subjects from time to time. And yet his is still a blog for ordinary people wanting extraordinary success. He’s another fella I’m looking forward to meeting this May in Chicago.

Tip – Jim consider putting up a button to make it easier for folks to subscribe to your feed. I had to dig the link for you feed from my reader this morning.

ConverStations (feed) – As long as we are on the subject of guys I’m looking forward to meeting face to face in Chicago, Mike Sansone is definitely on my short list too. His blog is well on the way to becoming the definitive resource for business blogging. His Itinerary page is a tremendous resource chock full of all kinds of business blogging know how treasures. Then there’s his Blogroll page! Holy Smokes! If you never looked at another blog outside of the ones he has there you would still be miles ahead of the pack.

Tip – I feel a little awkward “tipping” such and accomplished master. I do have a stylistic idea, though Mike. If you changed to a three column layout you could have even more of your great resource information available on your front page.


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