For those of you who may be wondering why things seem so quiet here at SuccessCREEations, I have been insanely busy with all sorts of goings-on.
I have had several deadlines this week. My precious writing time has been taken up writing several thousand words for other publications. And I still have a few more to go. 🙂
For those of you who have been around S-C for a while you know that I am a fan of Brian Kim and his self improvement writings. Well today he posted an interview with me where we got into some of the process I’ve gone through finding my passion for business blogging.
Brian has been very kind and generous to me and I really appreciate this interview opportunity he graciously provided. Go on over and check it out.
In addition to that piece, I’ve got another interview coming up, an article to be published soon in our local business journal, and all the other writing I do. Good stuff all around.
But challenging to shoehorn into my very busy life.
Hope your day is wonderful.