Just poking around my feed reader this morning and there is so much great stuff out there you oughtta see. For example,

  • First off, have you ever had Déjà vu? Well here’s an interesting article on the origins of Déjà vu. I found it in the wonderful business blog belonging to Fast Lane Transport Ltd. of Canada
  • Staying on the Canadian theme, Sean Howard asks if Branding is Dead, at least in the form that it seems to be presently. Sean asks a wonderful question

    Wouldn’t it be amazing if we were moving back to creating quality products with true differentiation again?

    Amazing. Wonderful. Beneficial. It would be all that.

  • Then for your viewing entertainment I wan to know, Are You Blogging This? I found that little gem thanks to Doc Searls, who asks if he’s the last person to link there. Not even close to last, Doc.
  • As long as we are being entertained, HolyMoma! discovered her husband has some Nice Pants. I guess Texas is a long way from France, eh?
  • Finally, have you ever had Déjà vu? Well here’s an interesting article on the origins of Déjà vu. I found it in the wonderful business blog belonging to Fast Lane Transport Ltd. of Canada (Funny. I have the strange feeling I’ve been here before. Hmmm…)

Grab yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy!


SuccessCREEations is now Kingdom House Productions