CREEating Value

It’s been a while but we’re getting back on track with this feature here at SuccessCREEations.

Periodically I go through my feed reader and pull out a few gems that bring value to you as a business blogger.

CREEating Value ButtonWith over 80 million blogs out there finding a few that are worthy of making it to your feed reader can be a challenge. So I’m trying to make that a little easier by pointing out some great blogs that I have in my reader that you may or may not have seen yet.

So without further ado, here are this week’s juicy finds.


Letting me be . . . random wondering and philosophy (feed) – Did you know Liz Strauss has other blogs besides Successful-Blog? She does. If you are looking for a little thoughtful reflection check out her blog over on Blogger with storytelling that brings back memories.

Google Public Policy Blog (feed) – As long as we are talking about blogs running on Blogger, you might want to check out the Google Public Policy Blog. Worried about Big Brother learning too much about your web habits? Here’s where you can find out what Big Brother himself has to say about all that. They recently had a good post explaining their position on Net Neutrality. Well worth the read.

Making Life Work For You (feed) – Let’s round out this edition with a brand new business blogger who is doing a fantastic job right out of the gate. April Groves is a local Realtor who is blogging to promote her business. But she gets the whole thing about providing value to her readers and she shares much more than just real estate information. (Did I mention she’s a good friend of Gorgeous?) She’s only been blogging a few short months, but she’s well on her way. I expect we’ll see great things from her.

There you have it. This week’s blogs that are CREEating Value. It’s hard to believe this feature has been resting since before SOBCon. I’m finally finding my old groove again. Glad to be back!


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