Just poking around my feed reader this morning and there is so much great stuff out there you oughtta see. For example,
- First off, Simplerich is on vacation right now. But before he left he celebrated 2 Years Smober/Smoke Free. And he shares some of the benefits and challenges that go along with kicking that particular habit.
- Yaro Starak has posted a great article this morning asking (and answering) the question Will Blog Marketing Replace Email Marketing? Yaro is a highly accomplished internet marketer and his answer to the question is very thought provoking. And not quite what I expected.
- Tom Vander Well shares a little humor about a call center employee who says, “Our system is not set up for death.” I could totally see that happening.
- Finally, Zillowblog, the corporate blog of Zillow.com, has seen the light and made the conversion to WordPress. Go check it out to find out why they found WordPress to be a better solution than their previous blogging platform.
Grab yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy!