Wednesday holidays mess me up.

The work load in the shipping business tends to be more intense towards the end of the week. The ships are no respecters of weekends so often our clients are shoving 7 days worth of work into 5 days.

They have to have everything lined up for Saturday and Sunday before they leave the office on Friday afternoon.

For us that tendency usually results in a workweek that reaches a crescendo sometime between 3 – 6 PM on Friday. Normally.

Majestic Maersk in the Savannah RiverWe have tried over the years to train our clients to start feeding the work they want us to do as early in the week as possible. We try to get the spigot opened by Wednesday morning at the latest. That way we have a fighting chance of getting everything done before 7 PM on Friday.

A holiday on a Wednesday throws a wrench in that plan.

You see Mondays are often our catch-up days because they tend to be slower as our clients sort out what happened with their ships over the weekend.

And with a Wednesday holiday it seems most of our clients have one foot out the door on Tuesday, so it is pretty slow too.

I figure the net sum is that we’ll get a week’s worth of work today and tomorrow. What fun!

I better go eat my Wheaties.


SuccessCREEations is now Kingdom House Productions