For those of you who appreciate an glimpse into folks lives from time to time, here is what I was looking at right about midnight as the relentless ticking of the clock marked my own passing into my 5th decade in this world.

Cargo Operations at Midnight

Not exactly the festive setting one hopes to start of their 40th birthday, perhaps. But life has a way of putting us right where we need to be sometimes.

The web can be a wonderful place.

For example yesterday Jon Swanson celebrated his birthday. Several of us on Twitter let Jon know we were thinking about him by changing our avitars to pictures of him for the day.

Silly? Sure. But shared experiences like that help build connectedness that is the stuff community is made of. When you have people like Chris Brogan, Becky McCray, Connie Reece, and Jim Long instigating fun like this, how can you help but want to join in?

Apparently word got out that today’s my birthday. A quick look at my own Twitter profile today and I see there are some folks playing the avitar game in my direction.

Chris Cree Birthday StampMy favorite so has to be Susan Reynolds. She’s using this faux stamp today. Where does creativity like that come from?

Social networking has value because it can help build relationships with real live people that we’d never encounter outside the internet. If you’d like you can connect with me on any of these services, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Pownce. (I have a few invites left for Pownce. If you would like to check it out, go to my contact page and let me know. I’ll forward one to you until I run out of ’em.)

My phone just rang. Gotta go back out to that ship and finish up. Then I can go home, get some sleep before I head into my next decade in earnest.


Oh, Yes. Happy Birthday to Hart too!


SuccessCREEations is now Kingdom House Productions