I’ve been test driving a little blog widget from a service called Who’s Among Us. So far I’ve got to say so far I like it.

It is elegantly simple in what it does. It shows which pages other folks are currently viewing on your site.

What it does

When you install their widget on your site like the one here so that it displays on every page of your site folks can then see in real time how many people are viewing the site right at that moment.

site statisticsThen anyone can click through the widget and see a list of URLs of the pages being viewed right then like this one for SuccessCREEations.

Customizing Your Widget

They’ve also got a very simple color wheel to help you pick some colors for your widget.Who's Among Us Color Wheel

The way they’ve set up the color wheel makes it one of the simplest color choosing tools I’ve seen in a long time.

Simple click in an outer ring color to choose the background widget color. Then to the right is a vertical column with different shades where you can refine your color choices even more.

Next choose a contrasting color from the inner wheel for the number color. Again you get some shade options in the vertical bar to the right.

Very slick. And very intuitive.

Installing is a Snap

Then all you have to do is copy the widget code from that same page and paste it into your site.

You’ll want to put it somewhere that will show on every page of your site so that it will give an accurate reading. In my case I chose to install the code in a text widget in my left sidebar. You can see it in the “Good Stuff” section.

Graphing Your Site Visitors

They also have a variety of graphs that you can install on your site, if you are so inclined. For example here is the one that shows the number of visitors to SuccessCREEations by hour.
Click to see full version by whos.amung.us
You can click on the mini-version here to see the full sized one at their site. And you can also choose to have monthly or yearly graphs displayed if you like.

Overall First Impressions

All in all the service is pretty slick. It is far from a comprehensive stats package. But the one thing it does it does quite well.

Since I’ve installed it I find myself clicking through several times a day to see which pages people are looking at right then. If that is something that you find interesting too, got ahead and give Who’s Among Us a try.

And let us all know what you thing about it.


SuccessCREEations is now Kingdom House Productions