I was poking around the place last night, cleaning up spam and such, and I realized that it’s been over a month since I posted here.

No wonder folks are starting to contact me with questions like “How are you doing?” “Haven’t heard from you in a while.” “Just checking in to see if everything is OK on your end.”

While I’ve got my reasons for not posting (yes I know, they sound remarkably like excuses) consider the last month or so here a good example of how not to blog for your business.

Sure I’ve had a lot going on here. The number of surveyors at our office dropped to two (from our normal staffing of four). I worked a personal record amount of overtime for that job in October. I’ve been working on on the business plan for SuccessCREEations. I’m building out sites for clients and teaching them how to use them. I’m writing up proposals and submitting them to prospective clients.

Oh, and I seem to have a powerful need to sleep nearly every night.

But the truth is I could have found some time in there to write up a post or two.

It’s About Priorities

I told a friend of mine who was kind enough to check in with me yesterday that I’ve seen some friends who have been too bore sighted on their blogs to ever successfully make the transition to profitable business. I didn’t want to make that same mistake.

But I think I overdid it just a tich.

By rights when you go this long without updating your site you could very well start seeing bad things happen. Infrequent posting is one of the top reasons readers unsubscribe.

The good news is that if you do happen to take a break like this folks will automatically be notified when you are back at it thanks to the beauty of RSS.

Pacing Myself

Big changes are afoot here at SuccessCREEations. I suspect it won’t be long until the ships are someone else’s problem. I’ve got a complete re-design of the site in the planning stages. We’ll be changing from a pure blog to more of a business web site with a blog as a primary component.

However I am pacing myself. I am working really hard with my business coach to think things through before I make big changes. It will save a whole lot of time on the back end and I expect it will make this whole endeavor more profitable for both SuccessCREEations and our future clients.

I’m looking forward to being back in the blogging saddle, though. I’ve got too many words bottled up inside me right now!



SuccessCREEations is now Kingdom House Productions