Should You Be Worried When Your Competition Starts Blogging?

So you just noticed that one of your competitors has started a blog. Should you be worried? The answer to that question really depends. If the only web presence your business has right now is a traditional static web site, then yes you probably have some cause for concern. Implemented well, … Read more about Should You Be Worried When Your Competition Starts Blogging?

Old Media Powerhouse Learns New Media Lesson

There has long been friction between the traditional old media providers which include print and television, and new media information sources which are overwhelmingly Internet based. If you look deep enough you can find some basic philosophical differences between the ways old media and new … Read more about Old Media Powerhouse Learns New Media Lesson

Drawn to a Dustup like Moths to a Porch Light

We human beings are strange creatures. We seem to be hardwired to be compelled to slow down and look at conflict and carnage. Remember in high school when a fight would break out how the kids would stand back and start cheering rather than try to break it up? Or can you tell me why a car wreck … Read more about Drawn to a Dustup like Moths to a Porch Light

“Finding” Content is the Wrong Approach

Dawud Miracle asks an interesting question in this morning's post: "Where do I Find Good Content?". Dawud's steering the discussion over there in the direction of purchased content. Can it be done? I suppose so. But the original questioner was looking for "GOOD" content. Good content is … Read more about “Finding” Content is the Wrong Approach

The Secret Reason Your Website Gets So Little Traffic

Most people are looking in the entirely wrong direction to for the solution to fix the problem they have getting people to come to their web site. The reason your web site gets so little traffic isn't what you think. You've got a business. You heard sometime back in the 90's that you needed a web … Read more about The Secret Reason Your Website Gets So Little Traffic


SuccessCREEations is now Kingdom House Productions