This is one of those posts that’s hard to write.

As many of you know, my gorgeous wife Lisa and I were part of the team that founded and put on SOBCon last spring in Chicago along with Liz Strauss, Terry Starbucker, and others.

This past week Lisa and I had a long conversation with the rest of the leadership team of SOBCon. In it we all agreed that the Cree’s would be pulling out of the partnership.

The decision was a very tough one for me to make. We know what a wonderful event SOBCon was last year. And we know how much higher Liz is raising the bar for the experience of all involved this year. Plus, I had a large part in crafting the original idea in the first place.

SOBCon08 LogoHowever, now that Lisa and I are 30 days into the launch of SuccessCREEations, Inc. as a full time venture we are realizing that I had fallen victim of one of the classic business start up blunders: grossly underestimating the amount of time effort and resources it takes to get a new business off the ground. I had this idea that once I left my previous full time employment we’d have lots of extra resources to devote to SOBCon.

I was very mistaken about that. We actually have less. Much less.

So rather than hold SOBCon back we’ve decided to step down from the leadership team.

Liz, Terry & the SOBCon team have a great event planned for everyone. Lisa and I still plan to be there. We just won’t be part of the team that’s running the show.


SuccessCREEations is now Kingdom House Productions