I’ve know blogging associate Mike DeWitt for quite a while now. We first met at Open Comment Night over on Successful-Blog way back when.
So far Mike has commented on every single one of my Bed Head posts. (We’re on Day 12 of 40 right now. I went back through and checked. He hasn’t missed one yet.)
Well no one can comment on my blog everyday for nearly two weeks straight and not expect me to check out their own blog. Of course I went poking about Mike’s. And of course I found something noteworthy.
Back in January Mike wrote a post called A Moron I Want To Learn From.
The moron Mike is referring to is Mark Joyner (and moron is how Mark describes himself when he says, “I’m an official blogging moron.”)
Brilliant Marketer
Now there is no doubt in my mind that Mark Joyner is a brilliant marketer. He’s written several how-to books with catchy titles such as
- The Great Formula: For Creating Maximum Profit with Minimal Effort
- The Irresistible Offer: How to Sell Your Product Or Service in 3 Seconds Or Less
- Simpleology: The Simple Science of Getting What You Want
The world is full of people that want to get rich with the least possible effort. It’s not surprising that tapping into this market has made Mark a very wealthy man.
(Note: Please don’t interpret what I’m saying as sarcasm. I genuinely admire someone who understands human nature as well as Mark does. I’m a big fan of people who provide value and are compensated well for their efforts.)
Now Embracing Blogging
Now Mark has turned his marketing genius in the blogging direction and is offering a course on blogging. He’s doing this even though he freely admits that he’s got a bit of a credibility gap where blogging is concerned.
Access to the information is free, but not without a catch. In order to obtain access to it folks have to blog about the fact that they are reviewing the course. And that involves posting the following code:
I’m evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they’re letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.
It covers:
- The best blogging techniques.
- How to get traffic to your blog.
- How to turn your blog into money.
I’ll let you know what I think once I’ve had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it’s still free.
Honest Feedback
Personally I’m curious to see how good his material is on this subject. I have every confidence the presentation will be top notch.
But I’m more interested in the content. I’ll be looking at that from the perspective of someone who gets paid well to help people get started blogging successfully. If I see that Mark’s is good information I will tell you about it.
As I said in my previous post a little competition is a good thing because of the Law of the Tide.
Likewise I’ll pull no punches if I see this as simply a shameless profiteer jumping on the blogging bandwagon to make some quick bucks by over-hyping low quality content.
Either way I’ll let you know what I find.