One of the challenges in business is aiming our products or services at the right target market. It can be tempting to position our business towards a very broad market. People falling into this trap think that because what they offer can be used by most anyone, they'll be limiting their income … Read more about Refine Your Target Market and Increase Profits
Knowledgeable Expert or Shameless Profiteer?
I've know blogging associate Mike DeWitt for quite a while now. We first met at Open Comment Night over on Successful-Blog way back when. So far Mike has commented on every single one of my Bed Head posts. (We're on Day 12 of 40 right now. I went back through and checked. He hasn't missed one … Read more about Knowledgeable Expert or Shameless Profiteer?
Think Before You Call It Spam
Those of us who make our living working primarily online know full well how pervasive the scourge of spam has become. Whether you are an online publisher like me, or just dealing with the hoards of junk emails that come your way everyday you know the problem is real. But did you know marking that … Read more about Think Before You Call It Spam
Creative Marketing from an Accountant
OK. One of the points of marketing is to help folks remember your brand, right? What if your product or service isn't exactly flashy or naturally attention getting? How can you stand out from the crowd? Say your business is accounting. Good accounting is a critical piece of any successful … Read more about Creative Marketing from an Accountant
A Glimmer of Hope in Microsoft’s Marketing?
I keep saying that business is about people and relationships with them. Build the relationships and the money will follow. And in greater quantities than if try to reduce people to numbers and statistics. In his Breaking Up With Advertising post, David Armano points out this treasure of a video … Read more about A Glimmer of Hope in Microsoft’s Marketing?
Sometimes Marketing Can Be Wasted Money
Now don't get me wrong. I am not at all hostile to spending marketing dollars. In order to attract customers, they have to know you are there and what you have to offer. However I just experienced an eye opening instance when money spent on marketing would have probably been a complete … Read more about Sometimes Marketing Can Be Wasted Money
Joining The Good Blogs
I've been hearing a lot about a relatively new blog cross promoting service lately called The Good Blogs. I first heard about it nearly a month ago when Mike Sansone mentioned how much he was digging having the widget on his blog (that's a lower case digging. ;) ) Since then I've noticed Ben … Read more about Joining The Good Blogs
Is Internet Marketing Really Dead?
I just finished reading The Death of Internet Marketing (aff) by Mike Filsaime. Mike is an internet marketing heavy hitter. He's the guy that wrote Butterfly Marketing, so it seems he knows what he's talking about. In his latest free e-book he tells us why the way marketing has been done via … Read more about Is Internet Marketing Really Dead?