CREEating Value – About once a week I go through my feed reader and pull out a few gems that bring value to you as a business blogger. We’re overdue ’cause I sorta skipped last week. (oops!)
And I am personally going through a bit of a challenging week on the non-blogging front. So today I thought I’d go through and pick out a few that make me think, and that I find encouraging.
Here are this week’s juicy finds.
Middle Zone Musings (feed) – Besides having one of those names that I am in perpetual fear of misspelling, Robert Hruzek has created a place at his blog where I can go hang out with a cup of coffee when I want to shift mental gears. At Middle Zone Musings I can relax and ponder some ideas. Sometimes they are big ideas, and sometimes just a little on the silly side. Either way, Robert’s got a refreshing take on things and I really enjoy hanging out at his place. And he just recently graduated himself from Blogger to WordPress too!
The Kitchen Table (feed) – Not sure if you know it or not, but I’m a fairly spiritual guy. I don’t like to beat people up with my views on the subject and I keep much of my spiritual stuff over on my personal blog. But this week has been a challenging one for me and hanging around Tariq Khan’s Kitchen Table has been just the right dose of encouragement for me. Tariq’s a brand new blogger that I had the pleasure of getting to know over at Open Comment Night one Tuesday. His writing may not be a good fit for everyone, but if you are up for some encouragement, head on over. I know I’m glad I do. (feed) – Brian Kim is a fairly traditional self-improvement writer who just happens to resonate with me. In fact it was Brian’s practical hands on advice in his post How to Find What You Love to Do that helped propel my business forward in the first place. Brian’s authored several books and has been a student of self improvement since he was a child. And yet he still shares all that wisdom freely with the world day after day on his blog. You are missing out if you choose not to read it.