Today’s the day.
It’s the day I’ve been looking forward to for a long time. Especially over the last several weeks, as things have been more and more dramatic around me I’ve been longing for this day to get here.
Today Gorgeous and I get on a plane for Chicago for SOBCon ’07.
Well be getting together with great relationship bloggers from all over at the Sofitel Chicago O’Hare tomorrow and Saturday. We’ll finally be able to put faces with all those wonderful bloggers out there.
This is one conference you won’t want to miss!
I will most likely be in the back of the room or running around helping out with the gillion and a half last minute trivial details that always come up at an event like this. So if you are in the room, make it a point to stop me, introduce yourself and say hey.
I really do want to meet you.
If you are heading out, I’ll see you there.
And if you can’t make it this year but really wanted to be there, let your voice be heard. Who knows, we might even do this again sometime. 😉