You may have noticed that Technorati has been made over in the last week or so. Gotta say I like the new look.
Check out what they have to say about the refreshed
Here is a good take away from the announcement:
We’ve also worked really hard at making our user interface simpler, and more intuitive. We’ve been spending months doing user testing, and listening to you, our users, collecting and prioritizing what you wanted, what you liked, and what you hated about Technorati. We haven’t gotten it 100% right yet, and we’re going to keep working hard to improve, but I think we’ve made a big step forward with this launch.
Well said, David!
The Porn Challenge
On a somewhat related note, I noticed rather suddenly a few weeks back that the porn industry seems to have jumped on board with the whole tagging thing.
At the time I was tracking some Technorati tag searches in my feed reader. Terms like “Business Blogging” that I wanted to keep up on.
One day at the office I opened my reader and found there were a bunch of porn headlines blazing away at me. When I clicked through to Technorati (very carefully, mind you, so as not to open one of those sites) to see what was up, every post listed on the first page was to a porn site.
It was a bit uncomfortable, to say the least! I immediately unsubscribed to all my Technorati search terms because that is totally unacceptable to me, not to mention my workplace.
Now I suppose it makes sense in a way that those folks would use that particular tag. I mean the whole reason they do what they do is to make money, right? So I guess that makes their blogs “Business Blogs”.
But gimme a break! Please! Can’t we have a little corner of the web that is workplace safe?
Fortunately as I was looking through the new Technorati this morning I checked out their Terms of Service. I was relieved to find this sentence there.
User warrants, represents and agrees that it will not contribute any Content that is infringing, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, abusive, offensive or otherwise violates any law or right of any third party.
The good news is porn violates T-rati’s TOS. And the better news is that they seem to be getting a handle on it. In that same Business Blogging search I saw only one porn listing when I started typing this a few minutes ago but it isn’t showing now.
Obviously the good folks at Technorati are on the case, and working to screen us from that junk.
Thanks guys!