It’s funny how we measure time by the calendar. I mean January first will dawn just like any other day. Here in Savannah odds are pretty good it will be a bit foggy, just like this morning. It’s that time of year.
However 1 January will be a vastly different time for me here at SuccessCREEations. A big part of that change involves me leaving my day job.
Yep. You heard right.
As of the new year I will no longer be employed full time in my old position in the maritime industry. I’m leaving that job to focus on growing SuccessCREEations, Inc.
It is a big step, no doubt. and that is one that Gorgeous and I have been working towards for quite some time.
There have been a myriad of things to get in place, things like health insurance, a car to replace the company car I’m giving up, and a new laptop – again to replace the company one I’m forfeiting.
What it Means
In the next few weeks y’all will see some big changes around here. For starters we will be overhauling the entire site.
SuccessCREEations will transform from a pure blog to a hybrid site that will be our company site with a blog on it. We’ve thought long and hard about the pros and cons to changing the site. Based on the direction we are moving a change is in order.
Gorgeous will be starting her own much anticipated blog here after the first of the year. I’m excited about her joining the blogging community in a more formal way after all her involvement with SOBCon.
I will be writing much more often and in a few new places. I’ll be firing up my personal blog here again shortly after a 6 months or more of neglect and joining in on a couple new projects.
All in all 2008 promises to be dramatically different around here. I’m looking forward to it.