CREEating Value Button
Today we are going to launch a new feature as we get ready to move into 2007. It’s called CREEating Value. What I’ll be doing is going through my feed reader and sharing with you some blogs (or sometimes individual posts) that bring value to you as a business blogger.

So without further fanfare here are some links for you of folks that are CREEating Value this morning.


Ramblings From A Glass Half Full (feed) – Starbucker is a man who loves his coffee and does a wonderful job of sharing his positive take on the things he sees going on around him. (feed) – Darren Rowse is an Australian who has established himself as one of the leading authorities of how to earn money via blogging. His blog tips and pointers ad value to the conversation and are useful to help all of us become a better bloggers.

Drew’s Marketing Minute (feed) – Drew McLellan is a marketer who gets blogging. With Drew you get the best of both worlds.


SuccessCREEations is now Kingdom House Productions