Drawn to a Dustup like Moths to a Porch Light

We human beings are strange creatures. We seem to be hardwired to be compelled to slow down and look at conflict and carnage. Remember in high school when a fight would break out how the kids would stand back and start cheering rather than try to break it up? Or can you tell me why a car wreck … Read more about Drawn to a Dustup like Moths to a Porch Light

CREEating Value – 26 December 2006

Today we are going to launch a new feature as we get ready to move into 2007. It's called CREEating Value. What I'll be doing is going through my feed reader and sharing with you some blogs (or sometimes individual posts) that bring value to you as a business blogger. So without further … Read more about CREEating Value – 26 December 2006


SuccessCREEations is now Kingdom House Productions