Caught this headline via the Drudge Report this morning

NY TIMES publisher: ‘I really don’t know whether we’ll be printing in five years’…

The article is revealing and worth the click though.

If you are blogging you on the right track. The internet is where everything is headed. And sooner than we might realize.

But do you really think printed paper is as dead as the publisher of the New York Times does?

I know here in Savannah our local paper has made a strategic decision to build a community social media site to build a significant local presence. They are definitely on the right track. Google Savannah and their SavannahNOW comes up on the front page.

Note: I’m traveling for the next few days so I may not be as responsive as normal. Don’t know what kind of connectivity I’ll have where I’m going.

Gotta Fly!


SuccessCREEations is now Kingdom House Productions