I spent a good part of the day today inspecting cars that were being loaded into shipping containers for export. The industry term for loading a container is “stuffing”. Taking cargo out is “stripping”.
So they were stuffing cars in containers for export. And I was there. Doing my thing.
Anyway. The coolest car of the day, I thought, was this brand new Mustang GT Cobra.
It was nearly enough to make me start drooling right there on the concrete. I’m not a big fan of the racing stripes. But I was digging pretty much everything about it.
Well except for the price on the sticker in the window, that is. Take a look at what I saw.
So the dealer charged some rich someone overseas an extra $20,000 just because it could. How’s that for capitalism at work! That’s adding like 46% to the cost of the car.
Takes a $43K car and magically transforms it into a $63K car. Because they could.
A Question
So here’s my question to you. If you found your market was willing to pay an extra 40 or 50% for whatever it is you do, would you charge it?
Is that a reasonable thing to do?
Or is that unethical? Gouging?
What do you say?