OK. One of the points of marketing is to help folks remember your brand, right?
What if your product or service isn’t exactly flashy or naturally attention getting? How can you stand out from the crowd?
Say your business is accounting. Good accounting is a critical piece of any successful business. But let’s face it. Not only is accounting a little on the, um, unexciting side for most folks but accountants themselves generally tend to be very conservative unflashy folks.
So how can you make sure you’re noticed and people remember your brand?
Well a local Accounting firm here in Savannah just made sure I’ll not forget them soon.
My Kind of Marketing
As regular readers here may know I have two flavor passions. Coffee & Chocolate. The argument could be made my consumption levels of these two wonderful substances is remarkably unhealthy. I’m OK with that.
Knowing that you can imagine how I stood up and paid attention when Gorgeous brought the chocolate bar pictured below home from her BNI meeting yesterday.
Now that’s just plain creative. Since it’s tax season a nudge in the IRS direction is a good attention getter.
How much more effective do you think handing someone that instead of a plain old business card would be?
I promise I’ll be talking about Karp, Ronning & Tindol far more since they helped feed my addiction than I ever would have otherwise.
What can you do to help get more conversation rolling about your business?