I just finished reading The Death of Internet Marketing (aff) by Mike Filsaime.
Mike is an internet marketing heavy hitter. He’s the guy that wrote Butterfly Marketing, so it seems he knows what he’s talking about.
In his latest free e-book he tells us why the way marketing has been done via the internet is not working anywhere near as well as it used to just a few short months ago and why the current methods are already gasping for breath.
The good news is Mike also shares some strategies that he feels will help us to succeed in the near future. Mike’s certainly right about one thing. The times, they are a changing!
The question is do you want to get left behind or adapt, overcome and go on to success?
But hey, don’t take my word for it. I heard about it from Mike Sigers over at Simplenomics who heard about it from Brian Clark at Copyblogger. Both of these guys are recommending you read this and they definitely know what they are talking about.
Mike Filsaime is willing to pay up to $2 per lead to build a double-opt in email list and he’s giving away some dynomite information in this free book to do it. He says he’s only offering the book for a short time, so do yourself a favor and download your free copy right now and learn a thing or two.