Drawn to a Dustup like Moths to a Porch Light

We human beings are strange creatures. We seem to be hardwired to be compelled to slow down and look at conflict and carnage. Remember in high school when a fight would break out how the kids would stand back and start cheering rather than try to break it up? Or can you tell me why a car wreck … Read more about Drawn to a Dustup like Moths to a Porch Light

Facing the Fighters

This past Monday (a day that will hence forth be known here at SuccessCREEations as Black Monday because of our server crash) I posted about Business Fighting Styles. In the discussion that followed a couple of cool things happened. First Grigor Ćorić suggested someone I'd left off my list, the … Read more about Facing the Fighters

What’s Your Business Fighting Style?

Conflict is a reality in business. Because it usually takes more than one person to keep an enterprise going, inevitably there will come a time when the people involved don’t see eye to eye on something. Even if you are self employed and don’t have any employees you probably still have to … Read more about What’s Your Business Fighting Style?

Into Every Life A Little Conflict Must Fall

Yesterday I had to make a difficult phone call. There were a lot of reasons I didn't want to make the call. It was the kind that addressed some one else's performance. And dialing the phone was sure to lead to some conflict. I promise I didn't want to dial the phone. It was tempting to not take … Read more about Into Every Life A Little Conflict Must Fall


SuccessCREEations is now Kingdom House Productions