Anonymity Credit Card Style

Identity theft is a big issue. If you talk to anyone who has been a victim of that particular crime you can get a feel for how incredibly disruptive it can be to your life. What if a credit card company came along and changed things up to help protect consumers? What are some of the things they … Read more about Anonymity Credit Card Style

Should a Business Blog Host Advertisements?

Business blogs and advertisements. It is an interesting topic to ponder. Ads are a reality in the publishing business. And a blog is simply a web publishing platform. And there are plenty of publications that run advertisement free. So, should you consider advertisements on your business blog … Read more about Should a Business Blog Host Advertisements?

How to Make Blogging Make Money For You

A while back Trevor Hampel left a comment on my 5 Reasons Why I Blog post that has stuck with me. Trevor shared with us 5 reasons he blogs. But he added a footnote to his last reason. Here's what he said: I need the money. (What money? Show me the money) I've been thinking about that for a … Read more about How to Make Blogging Make Money For You

Time – Your Wallet’s Best Friend or Worst Enemy

Time. It is one of the few ways all of us are truly equal. We all have the same 24 hours in each day. There aren't folks our there who are given 30 hours each day. Nor does anyone have to make do with 20 hours. How we choose to make use of those hours is one of the many things that differentiates … Read more about Time – Your Wallet’s Best Friend or Worst Enemy

The Number One Reason The Rich Get Richer

A few years ago I was working for a company that was struggling financially. We all knew things were not going well for the company. It was in the transportation sector and the downturn that part of our economy suffered after 9/11 was just enough to push the weak company over the edge. I had seen … Read more about The Number One Reason The Rich Get Richer

One Simple Change That Will Increase Your Financial Success

One of the biggest differences between people who are financially successful and the vast majority of the rest of the masses of people just making it living paycheck to pay check is that financially successful people know where there money is coming from and where it is going. The equation is … Read more about One Simple Change That Will Increase Your Financial Success


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