Momentary Flashes of Twitter Brilliance

Twitter is all the rage these days. Several big blogging names are fully on board tweeting away. And a few others have not embraced the idea. The die hard Twitter converts would probably add a "yet" at the end of that last sentence. We'll see. Fortunately for me their IM connectivity is still not … Read more about Momentary Flashes of Twitter Brilliance

Success Principle #12 – The Words We Choose to Use Make a Difference

The Problem The other day I was cruising around some top quality bloggage when I happened across Kent Blumberg's place. Kent talks a lot about leadership principles, which is why I keep an eye on his blog. Anyway he was talking about a great leadership idea that the Japanese use that's having … Read more about Success Principle #12 – The Words We Choose to Use Make a Difference


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