Drawn to a Dustup like Moths to a Porch Light

We human beings are strange creatures. We seem to be hardwired to be compelled to slow down and look at conflict and carnage. Remember in high school when a fight would break out how the kids would stand back and start cheering rather than try to break it up? Or can you tell me why a car wreck … Read more about Drawn to a Dustup like Moths to a Porch Light

Connections are There for You to Make

Connecting with other people is easier than you may think. If you keep a sharp eye out for potential bridges, that is. The clues are there for you all the time, right in plain sight. Train yourself to see them and you'll find all sorts of people that you have a some small thing in common … Read more about Connections are There for You to Make

“Finding” Content is the Wrong Approach

Dawud Miracle asks an interesting question in this morning's post: "Where do I Find Good Content?". Dawud's steering the discussion over there in the direction of purchased content. Can it be done? I suppose so. But the original questioner was looking for "GOOD" content. Good content is … Read more about “Finding” Content is the Wrong Approach

When the Required Information is Too Much Information

I'm not a big fan of the whole meme thing. In fact I intentionally mispronounce the word because it drives people like Liz Strauss nuts. But now on the latest one going around the Bloggisphere I ducked when Robyn McMaster tagged me earlier. But then managed to get tagged twice on Friday, by … Read more about When the Required Information is Too Much Information

3 Reasons Why You Should STOP Forwarding Those Emails

I'm not a fan of email forwards. There is so much junk flowing around these days and quite frankly I don't have time for all that. It can be addicting, I know. You may not realize it, but there are some very good reasons why you should control yourself from hitting the Forward button, piling in a … Read more about 3 Reasons Why You Should STOP Forwarding Those Emails

Charging Outrageous Prices Because We Can

I spent a good part of the day today inspecting cars that were being loaded into shipping containers for export. The industry term for loading a container is "stuffing". Taking cargo out is "stripping". So they were stuffing cars in containers for export. And I was there. Doing my … Read more about Charging Outrageous Prices Because We Can

Networking to Promote Your Blog

One of the facets of blogging that doesn't get as much attention as it deserves is the networking aspect. Networking is a huge part of promoting your blog. Successful bloggers read other blogs they are interested in, especially those in their same niche, and actively comment adding value to those … Read more about Networking to Promote Your Blog


SuccessCREEations is now Kingdom House Productions